Results for 'Ahmed Banibella Abdelmagied Elamin'

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  1.  30
    Depressive symptoms are associated with utilitarian responses in trolley dilemmas: a study amongst university students in the United Arab Emirates.Gabriel Andrade, Khadiga Yasser Abdelraouf Abdelmonem, Nour Alqaderi, Hajar Jamal Teir, Ahmed Banibella Abdelmagied Elamin & Dalia Bedewy - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (3):218-232.
    Trolley dilemmas have been used to justify the intuitive appeal of the doctrine of double effect. According to this doctrine, if a good action has a harmful side effect, it is morally acceptable to do it, provided the harmful effect is not intended. However, in some variants of the dilemma, most people are willing to forego this doctrine, thus making responses inconsistent. In this study, 404 university students from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were presented with 4 versions of the (...)
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    Willful Subjects.Sara Ahmed - 2014 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Willful Subjects_ Sara Ahmed explores willfulness as a charge often made by some against others. One history of will is a history of attempts to eliminate willfulness from the will. Delving into philosophical and literary texts, Ahmed examines the relation between will and willfulness, ill will and good will, and the particular will and general will. Her reflections shed light on how will is embedded in a political and cultural landscape, how it is embodied, and how will (...)
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  3. Ahlâk-ı ahmedı̂.Osmanzâde Ahmed Tâ'ib - 2023 - İstanbul: Büyüyenay Yayınları. Edited by Ömer Faruk Kızkın, Fakirullah Yıldız & Mehmet Asağ.
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    Omitting types for finite variable fragments of first order logic.T. Sayed Ahmed - 2003 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 32 (3):103-107.
  5. A Proposed Knowledge Based System for Desktop PC Troubleshooting.Ahmed Wahib Dahouk & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 2 (6):1-8.
    Abstract: Background: In spite of the fact that computers continue to improve in speed and functions operation, they remain complex to use. Problems frequently happen, and it is hard to resolve or find solutions for them. This paper outlines the significance and feasibility of building a desktop PC problems diagnosis system. The system gathers problem symptoms from users’ desktops, rather than the user describes his/her problems to primary search engines. It automatically searches global databases of problem symptoms and solutions, and (...)
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    Clustering Input Signals Based Identification Algorithms for Two-Input Single-Output Models with Autoregressive Moving Average Noises.Khalid Abd El Mageed Hag ElAmin - 2020 - Complexity 2020 (1):2498487.
    This study focused on the identification problems of two-input single-output system with moving average noises based on unsupervised learning methods applied to the input signals. The input signal to the autoregressive moving average model is proposed to be arriving from a source with continuous technical and environmental changes as two separate featured input signals. These two input signals were grouped in a number of clusters using the K-means clustering algorithm. The clustered input signals were supplied to the model in an (...)
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  7. Queer phenomenology: orientations, objects, others.Sara Ahmed - 2006 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Introduction: find your way -- Orientations toward objects -- Sexual orientation -- The orient and other others -- Conclusion: disorientation and queer objects.
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  8. Capitalism, covert action and state-terrorism: toward a political economy of the dual state.Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed - 2012 - In Eric Michael Wilson (ed.), The Dual State: Parapolitics, Carl Schmitt and the National Security Complex. Ashgate.
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    Conceptualizing Islamic Ethics for Contemporary Muslim Societies.Fethi B. Jomaa Ahmed - 2020 - Intellectual Discourse 28 (1):319-344.
    : Contemporary Muslim societies suffer from numerous endemicproblems such as corruption, poverty, and gender inequality. In addressingthese problems, scholars tend to consider sociological models, and overlookthe potential of Islamic ethical perspectives. The Islamic sources, particularlythe Qur’an provide pertinent insights on ethics that should be foremost in theminds of those seeking to alleviate social problems in Muslim communities.Essential writings on ethics, particularly Tahdhib al-Akhlāq by Ibn Miskawayh,The Moral World of the Qur’an by Draz, and The Ethico-Religious Conceptsin the Qur’an by Izutsu (...)
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  10. The concept and implementation of values based medicine (VsBM) in neurosurgery.Ahmed Ammar & Tiit Mathiesen - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul (ed.), Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Nasq mā baʻd al-ḥadāthah fī al-sīnimā al-muʻāṣirah.Ahmed Djebbar - 2021 - Baghdād: Dār Qanādīl lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  12. Stopping the Murdering Martyrs.Ahm Van Iersel - 2005 - In Wim Smit (ed.), Just war and terrorism: the end of the just war concept? Dudley, MA: Peeters.
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    Journee d'étude: corps & cultures.Ahmed Marouani & Nūr al-Dīn Shābbī (eds.) - 2011 - [Tunis]: Publications de l'IPELSHT.
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    Cri de philosophe: Ibn Rushd l'incompris.Ahmed Mellah - 2017 - Paris: Les Éditions du Panthéon.
    Le cri que porte l'intitulé de cet ouvrage est un appel aux lecteurs et aux historiens du Rushdisme à une halte réflexive sur ce que l'auteur appelle cri. Car le cri est une revendication légitime du philosophe. C'est une sorte de voix extra temporelle qui, par fidélité à l'esprit de sa philosophie, s'insurge et déclare que sa pensée a été trahie. Qui est donc ce philosophe à qui on a prêté tant de légendes et commis à son égard tant d'erreurs? (...)
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    Evidence, Decision and Causality.Arif Ahmed - 2014 - United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Most philosophers agree that causal knowledge is essential to decision-making: agents should choose from the available options those that probably cause the outcomes that they want. This book argues against this theory and in favour of evidential or Bayesian decision theory, which emphasises the symptomatic value of options over their causal role. It examines a variety of settings, including economic theory, quantum mechanics and philosophical thought-experiments, where causal knowledge seems to make a practical difference. The arguments make novel use of (...)
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  16. Science, power, and policy intersecting at the HIV/AIDS pandemic.Ahmed C. Bawa - 2005 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 72 (3):605-620.
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    The Role of Individual Variables, Organizational Variables and Moral Intensity Dimensions in Libyan Management Accountants’ Ethical Decision Making.Ahmed Musbah, Christopher J. Cowton & David Tyfa - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (3):335-358.
    This study investigates the association of a broad set of variables with the ethical decision making of management accountants in Libya. Adopting a cross-sectional methodology, a questionnaire including four different ethical scenarios was used to gather data from 229 participants. For each scenario, ethical decision making was examined in terms of the recognition, judgment and intention stages of Rest’s model. A significant relationship was found between ethical recognition and ethical judgment and also between ethical judgment and ethical intention, but ethical (...)
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  18. A Modeltheoretic Solution to a Problem of Tarski.Tarek Sayed Ahmed - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (3):343-355.
    Let 1 n. We show that the class NrnCAβ of n-dimensional neat reducts of β-dimensional cylindric algebras is not closed under forming elementary subalgebras. This solves a long-standing open problem of Tarski and his co-authors Andréka, Henkin, Monk and Németi. The proof uses genuine model-theoretic arguments.
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  19. Energy Efficiency Prediction using Artificial Neural Network.Ahmed J. Khalil, Alaa M. Barhoom, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser, Musleh M. Musleh & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (9):1-7.
    Buildings energy consumption is growing gradually and put away around 40% of total energy use. Predicting heating and cooling loads of a building in the initial phase of the design to find out optimal solutions amongst different designs is very important, as ell as in the operating phase after the building has been finished for efficient energy. In this study, an artificial neural network model was designed and developed for predicting heating and cooling loads of a building based on a (...)
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    Living a feminist life.Sara Ahmed - 2015 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Feminism is sensational -- On being directed -- Willfulness and feminist subjectivity -- Trying to transform -- Being in question -- Brick walls -- Fragile connections -- Feminist snap -- Lesbian feminism -- Conclusion 1: A killjoy survival kit -- Conclusion 2: A killjoy manifesto.
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    What's the use?: on the uses of use.Sara Ahmed - 2019 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In What's the Use? Sara Ahmed continues the work she began in The Promise of Happiness and Willful Subjects by taking up a single word--in this case, use--and following it around. She shows how use became associated with life and strength in nineteenth century biological and social thought and considers how utilitarianism offered a set of educational techniques for shaping individuals by directing them toward useful ends. Ahmed also explores how spaces become restricted to some uses and users (...)
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  22. The Inauthenticity of the Left in the Kurdish Liberation Movement in Iraqi Kurdistan.Saladdin Ahmed - 2018 - Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory 46 (1):65-76.
    Iraqi Kurds have been involved in a liberation movement since the very beginning of the establishment of the Iraqi state by European colonizers. With the proliferation of communism in the 1960s and 1970s among liberation movements in the third world, the Kurdish liberation movement also adopted popular Marxist, Leninist and Maoist jargons. However, after the 1991 Kurdish uprising successfully liberated some areas of Kurdistan, the leftist rhetoric almost completely disappeared in the dominant Iraqi Kurdish discourse. I argue that, even from (...)
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    Réflexions philosophiques sur l'État et le pouvoir.Ahmed Hosny - 2020 - Paris: St Honoré éditions.
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  24. The philosophy of faqirs: two discourses on Vedantism alias Sufi-ism before the Islamic association..Ahmed Hussain - 1940 - Lahore (India): Shaikh Muhammad Ashraf.
  25. Bārṭryāṇḍa Rāsela. Mafiz, Uddin Ahmed & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1973
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  26. An Omitting Types Theorem for first order logic with infinitary relation symbols.Tarek Sayed-Ahmed & Basim Samir - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (6):564-570.
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    Los šāḏiliyya e Ibn 'Arabī tras las huellas de Abū Madyan.Ahmed Shafik - 2009 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 14:117-132.
    Este artículo presente y analiza el legado de Abū Madyan cuyas bases van a quedar ilustrado perfectamente en el posterior desarrollo del sufismo andalusi-magrebi de origen šāḏilī y la doctrina de ibn ‘Arabī: traduccion española y estudio critico de las evidencias y cotejos textuales, ensenanzas y practicas espirituales y funcionalidad social.
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    Maktūbāt-i Imām Rabbānī: majmūʻahʹī az nāmahʹhā-yi ʻirfānī va adabī-i qarn-i yāzdahum H.Q.Ahṃad Sirhindī - 2004 - Tihrān: Ṣiddīqī. Edited by Muḥammad Ayyūb Ganjī & Hạsan Zāriʻī.
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    Néo-platonisme et aspect mystique de la création de l'univers dans la philosophie des Ihwan.Ahmed Triki - 1974 - [S.l.]: SNED.
  30. Signaling systems and the transcendental deduction.A. Ahmed - 2017 - In K. Pearce & T. Goldschmidt (eds.), Idealism: New Essays in Metaphysics. Oxford University Press.
    The paper offers a model of Kant's claim that unity of consciousness entails objectivity of experience. This claim has nothing especially to do with thought, language or the categories but is a general truth about arbitrary signaling systems of the sort modeled in the paper. In conclusion I draw some consequences for various forms of idealism.
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    What does ‘solidarity economy’ mean? Contours and feasibility of a theoretical and political project.Pepita Ould Ahmed - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (4):425-435.
    The market relationships are being contested. This can be seen in the increasing number of alternative social experiments in the ‘North’ and the ‘South’ which propose to think out the present market relationships in a different way, in particular in establishing exchange value and in facilitating access to trade. These practical alternatives are supported by trends in academic circles that over the past three decades have opposed neoliberal capitalism and individualism in today's commercialised society. Calling for greater solidarity and social (...)
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  32. The class of polyadic algebras has the super amalgamation property.Tarek Sayed-Ahmed - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (1):103-112.
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  33. Causal Decision Theory: A Counterexample.Arif Ahmed - 2013 - Philosophical Review 122 (2):289-306.
    The essay presents a novel counterexample to Causal Decision Theory (CDT). Its interest is that it generates a case in which CDT violates the very principles that motivated it in the first place. The essay argues that the objection applies to all extant formulations of CDT and that the only way out for that theory is a modification of it that entails incompatibilism. The essay invites the reader to find this consequence of CDT a reason to reject it.
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  34. A phenomenology of whiteness.Sara Ahmed - 2007 - Feminist Theory 8 (2):149-168.
    The paper suggests that we can usefully approach whiteness through the lens of phenomenology. Whiteness could be described as an ongoing and unfinished history, which orientates bodies in specific directions, affecting how they `take up' space, and what they `can do'. The paper considers how whiteness functions as a habit, even a bad habit, which becomes a background to social action. The paper draws on experiences of inhabiting a white world as a non-white body, and explores how whiteness becomes worldly (...)
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  35. From Threat to Walking Corpse: Spatial Disruption and the Phenomenology of ‘Living Under Drones.Sabeen Ahmed - 2018 - Theory and Event 21 (2):382-410.
    The use of armed drones in post-9/11 US military conflicts has increasingly been the subject of academic writings; few, however, examine its collateral effects from a biopolitically-framed, phenomenological lens. This article examines how the indeterminate field of threat produced and sustained by the preventive military paradigm of drone warfare transforms potential threats into determinate targets of military violence. The spatial disruption experienced by inhabitants of the "space of death" generated by the "drone zone" thus transforms their existential comportment of living (...)
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  36. Lost and found : gifts, dreams and sanity.D. Ahmed - 2019 - In Frédérique Apffel-Marglin & Stefano Varese (eds.), Contemporary voices from anima mundi: a reappraisal. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Freud's Other Theory of Psychoanalysis: The Replacement for the Indelible Theory of Catharsis.Ahmed Fayek - 2012 - Jason Aronson.
    Despite the persistence of the theoretical model of the cathartic theory in psychoanalysis, it is not what we practice clinically. Freud’s Other Theory of Psychoanalysis deals with eliciting that other unarticulated theory from the Freudian text to replace the catharsis theory and open the theoretical impasse it created.
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  38. Culture and the Trend of Scientific Socialism in Contemporary Arab Thought.Ahmed Madi - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture. Nairobi: Bookwise Limited.
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  39. An atomic theory with no prime models.T. Sayed Ahmed - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Logic 5:85-88.
    We construct an atomic uncountable theory with no prime models. This contrasts with the countable case.
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    Yalan--: Sanat Konuşmaları.Ahmed Adnan Saygun - 2009 - Bağlam Yayıncılık.
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    Al-Junayd’s Epistemic Definition of Monotheism (tawḥīd) and his Theory of Self-Consciousness.Ahmed Abdel Meguid - 2024 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 15 (2):5-41.
    The objective of this study is to present a new argument for understanding the philosophical roots of Abū al-Qāsim al-Junayd’s (d. 909/297) ambiguous definition of monotheism (tawḥīd). Al-Junayd defines tawḥīd in terms of separating the eternally existing (qadīm) from the temporally generated (muḥdath). This study argues that Plato’s distinction between “that which is and always is” and “that which comes to be and never is” in the Timaeus better clarifies neglected aspects of al-Junayds’s definition than the orthodox Neo-Platonic interpretation put (...)
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  42. The Promise of Happiness.Sara Ahmed - 2010 - Durham [NC]: Duke University Press.
    _The Promise of Happiness_ is a provocative cultural critique of the imperative to be happy. It asks what follows when we make our desires and even our own happiness conditional on the happiness of others: “I just want you to be happy”; “I’m happy if you’re happy.” Combining philosophy and feminist cultural studies, Sara Ahmed reveals the affective and moral work performed by the “happiness duty,” the expectation that we will be made happy by taking part in that which (...)
  43. Evidential Decision Theory.Arif Ahmed - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Evidential Decision Theory is a radical theory of rational decision-making. It recommends that instead of thinking about what your decisions *cause*, you should think about what they *reveal*. This Element explains in simple terms why thinking in this way makes a big difference, and argues that doing so makes for *better* decisions. An appendix gives an intuitive explanation of the measure-theoretic foundations of Evidential Decision Theory.
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  44. Rationality and Future Discounting.Arif Ahmed - 2018 - Topoi 39 (2):245-256.
    The best justification of time-discounting is roughly that it is rational to care less about your more distant future because there is less of you around to have it. I argue that the standard version of this argument, which treats both psychological continuity and psychological connectedness as reasons to care about your future, can only rationalize an irrational—because exploitable—form of future discounting.
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  45. Objective Value Is Always Newcombizable.Arif Ahmed & Jack Spencer - 2020 - Mind 129 (516):1157-1192.
    This paper argues that evidential decision theory is incompatible with options having objective values. If options have objective values, then it should always be rationally permissible for an agent to choose an option if they are certain that the option uniquely maximizes objective value. But, as we show, if options have objective values and evidential decision theory is true, then it is not always rationally permissible for an agent to choose an option if they are certain that the option uniquely (...)
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  46. Measuring the Dominant Pattern of Leadership and Its Relation to the Functional Performance of Administrative Staff in Palestinian Universities.Ahmed M. A. FarajAllah, Suliman A. El Talla, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2019 - International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 7 (5):13-34.
    The study aimed at measuring the dominant pattern of leadership and its relation to the performance of the administrative staff in the Palestinian universities. The study community consists of all the administrative staff from Al-Azhar University and the Islamic University, and through the census of the study society it was found to consist of (655) administrative staff. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the method of random sample in the study, and the study was (...)
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  47. Hume and the Independent Witnesses.Arif Ahmed - 2015 - Mind 124 (496):1013-1044.
    The Humean argument concerning miracles says that one should always think it more likely that anyone who testifies to a miracle is lying or deluded than that the alleged miracle actually occurred, and so should always reject any single report of it. A longstanding and widely accepted objection is that even if this is right, the concurring and non-collusive testimony of many witnesses should make it rational to believe in whatever miracle they all report. I argue that on the contrary, (...)
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    “In a Clear Arabic Tongue”: Arabic and the Making of a Science-Language Regime.Ahmed Ragab - 2017 - Isis 108 (3):612-620.
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  49. Walters on Conjunction Conditionalization.Arif Ahmed - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (1pt1):115-122.
    This discussion note examines a recent argument for the principle that any counterfactual with true components is itself true. That argument rests upon two widely accepted principles of counterfactual logic to which the paper presents counterexamples. The conclusion speculates briefly upon the wider lessons that philosophers should draw from these examples for the semantics of counterfactuals.
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  50. Dicing with death.Arif Ahmed - 2014 - Analysis 74 (4):587-592.
    You should rather play hide-and-seek against someone who cannot predict where you hide than against someone who can, as the article illustrates in connection with a high-stakes example. Causal Decision Theory denies this. So Causal Decision Theory is false.
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